David L. Ach is an attorney specializing in estate and tax planning, probate and trust administration. His work with clients includes helping them develop a full picture of their resources and goals, both family and tax-related, and then crafting an estate plan to satisfy those goals. Tools may include revocable and irrevocable trusts, wills, and documents related to health care and financial management. He also provides legal counsel to personal representatives – executors, trustees, and private and corporate fiduciaries – in probate and trust administration matters. David is a member of the State Bar of California, which has certified him as a Certified Specialist in estate planning, probate and trust law.
David graduated from the University of California, Davis, Martin Luther King School of Law in 1977. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Harvard University (1969) and a Masters in Education from Springfield College (1971). David’s professional associations include the San Mateo County Bar Association and the Financial Planning Forum in Palo Alto, of which he served as President in 1987-88. David has been a presenter on probate and trust administration and estate planning for numerous programs of the California Education of the Bar.